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Project information

Economic and environmental assessment studies of energy crops

January 2009 - June 2012

Funding entity Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación

Participated by Ciemat, UPM, Universidad de Zaragoza, IRTA

On cultivos is a Singular and Strategic Project for Development, Demonstration and Evaluation of the Viability of the Commercial Production of Energy from Dedicated Crops in Spain. On Cultivos has been recognized and supported as a national singular and strategic project by the Spanish Ministry of Education and Science.
On Cultivos is a coordinated effort of enterprises, universities and R&D organisms to achieve the commercial deployment of energy crops in Spain following the objectives of the present policy on renewable energies.
The purpose of the subproject «Economic and Environmental Assessment of energy crops» is the analysis and assessment of environmental impacts using the methodology of Life Cycle Analysis (LCA) and economic evaluation of the different stages of the main energy crops.
IIT is responsible for the completion of life cycle analysis (evaluating the energetic and environmental impact, as GHG emissions, water use, soil effects...) and economic analysis of liquid biofuels from cultivation to its use in the vehicle (WTW, Well to Wheel), both for bioethanol and biodiesel.
